Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Antopappy, gr8 going... thanx for getting us started...

Here are a few pix... One of Appan, Amma n Swaru and the others of Hannah vava... Hannah was clicked almost a year back so she would have grown much more than what you see... just wanted to share them 'coz she's so angelic n cute...

Well, like Antopappy said... it would be gr8 if all of us could put in something atleast once in a while... then we can all stay in touch and know how and where each of us are...

I am in bombay pattannam... working with Crisil. I've been here for the past 4 months... Out of college and slowly learning how the corporate world functions... I stay at the YWCA here. Life is going gr8. I love work (tho' its back breakingly hectic most of the time...). Miss home terrrrrrrribly... Appa, Amma and Swaru are fine. I spoke to them last night.

Roshan, ur web page is superb! I'd called home the day u sent us the link... got thru to Lizzyeleyamma... u'd left for college after the hols that morning.

Thats it for now...
Waiting to hear loads from all...
